Plant Optimisation

CSL carry out Treatment Works Audits and offer Plant Optimisation Solutions. To this end we

  • Carry out a plant power audit, examine the power load over the entire range of operation.
  • Interpret energy bills, the load characteristics, and the operating constraints.
  • Examine individual pump/plant item performance.
  • Evaluate Power Quality.

Our recommendations can cover:-

  • Enhanced Power Quality which improves voltage stability, reduce power factor penalties, demand charges and related down time. Improved Power Quality can also provide greater life cycle for plant motors and machinery and greater surge protection.
  • The introduction of Variable Speed Drives (VSD’s) where appropriate can lead to significant scope for savings as well as reducing water hammer and increasing motor protection.
  • Efficiency coating: typically half the efficiency gains following pump refurbishment and coating are obtained from the coating process. Typical savings on an old pump are 10% in power efficiency.
  • Process optimisation such as aeration system upgrade, improved instrumentation and data capture.