On Demand Telemetry Service

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On Demand Telemetry Service

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An alternative solution for organisations wanting a telemetry system without having to maintain the resources and infrastructure themselves. The service is modular and flexible and is tailored to your needs.
Costs are fixed annually, regardless of maintenance issues and there are no licensing agreements. Service levels are fully flexible or can fall within three packaged solutions; Bronze, Silver and Gold.

On Demand Telemetry System Benefits

  • Significantly lower total costs for each customer site.
  • Managed servers; no internal IT support or management required.
  • Access to information 24/7.
  • Full configuration option ensures that the correct data is collected when it is needed.
Level Features
Bronze System Information is transferred to the customer by email or via FTP for large quantities of data.
File format and frequency of data transfer are pre-determined.
Silver Full access to the web-hosted system. With all the features of bronze, plus: Web access for 1 named user.
Gold Full access to the web-hosted system, with control options and full configuration control.

Additionally, a complete turnkey solution with telemetry hardware and installation service can be purchased outright or leased.


  • Managed Servers: Metasphere provides and maintains the telemetry system and communications infrastructure.
  • Telemetry data is available from anywhere in the world through our secure website with no IT support or management to worry about.
  • Service level agreements vary according to system availability and can be priced on the number of sites or points on the telemetry system
  • Very High Availability: The telemetry system is hosted in a high availability, dedicated IT support centre.
    Providing 24/7 access to business critical applications.
  • Cost Benefits: Once a package is agreed, costs are fixed, regardless of maintenance issues, enhancements or fixes. There is therefore no need to maintain spares or have trained staff in-house. The total cost for each site is significantly reduced by utilising Metasphere’s infrastructure and experience
  • Historical Data: access to long-term historical data, right back to the time of installation for each site is a standard feature
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